The trend of non-inclusion of women in leadership positions and insufficient inclusion in representative positions has seen an increase, and the commitment to increase gender equality in the political and public sphere is superficial and minimalistic. Find below the data that illustrates the inequality of men and women in positions of power.
For more: Women in Politics
Electoral reform is long overdue in Kosovo. The 2017 national and local elections were rated generally well, although, there were some shortcomings in the administration/management of the election that weakened their overall success; such as, the high number of invalid votes, the partial recount of ballot boxes that brought change of results, late certification of final results, among others. The graphs below present the shortcomings of the 2017 national and local elections.
For more: Kosovo and Elections: What can be Improved?
The Agreement on the Association/Community of Serb Majority Municipalities marks the cornerstone of discord of the EU-facilitated dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia. Kosovo Serbs are the community most affected by the creation of an Association of Serb Municipalities, but they are also the most marginalised group in the Brussels process. Research into the motivations, concerns and wishes of Serbs regarding the Association has long been neglected, resulting in a vast informational gap. The responses below represent a snapshot of what Serbs, in the four northern municipalities, think of the Association.
For more: The Association of Serb Municipalities: Understanding conflicting views of Albanians and Serbs
Qamil Hoxha street ob. no. 29
appartment no. 7, Prishtina
10000, Kosovo
Mon – Fri: 08:30 – 16:30