Inclusive and Accountable Governance

Balkans Group supports reforms and policy changes that promote transparent and accountable good governance and rule of law. In this area, BPRG focuses on working extensively with public institutions and political parties in order to foster a culture of dialogue, consensus, and inclusive policy-making. Balkans Group provides policy support and analysis and engage in advocacy and outreach to promote efficient and transparent public institutions, increasing the oversight tools, and the effectiveness of the Assembly. By engaging both state and non-state partners in this programmatic area, BPRG seeks to reinforce the domestic efforts for improving accountability and local ownership of democratic reforms.

Qamil Hoxha street ob. no. 29
appartment no. 7,
10000, Kosovo

Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri: 09:00  – 17:00


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Exciting news! The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe voted in favour of the draft Opinion recommending Kosovo’s membership to the CoE!
Kosovo is now one step closer to joining the @coe and gaining access to its extensive mechanisms.

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