Achievements and Impact

A selection of BPRG’s most notable achievements to date:

  • Brought consensus and dialogue to the surface, after years of ‘behind closed-door discussions.’ Engaging leaders in public discussions about difficult topics and the topics of the intra-party dialogue has now become possible. Public decisions have a major impact; party leaders, government and the opposition feel treated equally and are given equivalent space for discussions and debate.
  • BPRG mediation also led to the signing of the Code of Conduct on June 1st 2017. The signatories of this code pledged free and democratic central and local elections, with dignified respectful and democratic campaigns free of hate speech. Applicable laws and regulations were to be observed and election results were also to be accepted. This was the first time the code of conduct was signed voluntarily and without the auspices of the international community. Following the dissolution of the parliament in 2019, BPRG once again undertook the initiative to engage parties in a principle agreement that would ensure smooth conduct of elections, quick formation of the new institutions and cooperation between all actors regardless of the roles they take after the elections.
  • BPRG has established a reliable track two dialogue between all parliamentary parties, which maintains a pragmatic level of policy debate and discussion on all key policy areas important for the country.
  • BPRG contributed to the design and promoted the European Reform Agenda, which sets priorities to fulfil under the SAA agreement. This close cooperation also yielded two publications; Implementation Progress Overview of European Reform Agenda (ERA), European Reform Agenda: Progress Report on Good Governance and Rule of Law, European Agenda for Kosovo: Challenges to the Good Plan which closely scrutinised the priorities under Good Governance and Rule of Law and allowed for broader factions of society to follow the progress.
  • The formation of the Kosovo Serbia Policy Advocacy Group (KSPAG) heralded a new level of cooperation at the civil society level between Kosovo and Serbia. The eight NGOs have transcended national bigotry on both sides to cooperate on issues that matter most to citizens. The aim of the KSPAG is to promote the dialogue and full normalisation of relations between states and societies.
  • With the aim to promote transformation and political transition, BPRG has developed programmes that target the youth. The tailored education programme for the Youth in Politics aims to supply them with the knowledge and skills to empower and help them grow within the entities they belong to.  BPRG organised 13 workshops, a high level conference with participation of young members from all parliamentary parties and published a policy article Youth in Politics which highlights the challenges and needs of young ambitious politicians who need space and skills to advance their political careers. BPRG’s Youth programme has become a platform which many youth see as a valuable resource for their capacity growth.
  • BPRG has maintained its focus on women leaders by facilitating roundtables which discuss and debate strengthening the role of women in politics. The publication of the article Women in Politics: Gender (In)Equality in Politics and Decision-Making, contributed to the gender quota being included in the draft Law on Government.

Qamil Hoxha street ob. no. 29
appartment no. 7,
10000, Kosovo

Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri: 09:00  – 17:00


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🗓️The closing date for applications is 16.08.2024
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