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This policy paper analyses attitudes of the Serbian population in Kosovo towards the Association of Serbian Municipalities and formulates policy recommendations on the future functioning of the Association. Media monitoring in North Kosovo, interviews with key officials, and focus groups and a survey were the main tools used to collect the data. The survey was […]
Balkans Policy Research Group (BPRG)facilitates the Mediation Dialogue between leaders of the government and the opposition in Kosovo since march 2016. BPRG became the first and only local organisation to succeed in bringing senior political leadership of the five key parliamentary parties to the negotiating table. As an independent and impartial think tank, BPRG was able […]
Analisti, Naim Rashiti, ka thënë se gara për zgjedhjet e 6 tetorit, do të jetë më e ashpër se asnjëherë më parë, përcjellë Gazeta Blic. Përmes një shkrimi në facebook, Rashiti, ka thënë se blloqet politike, të cilat i ka ndarë në katër sosh, do t’i marrin mes 19/20% dhe 26/27% të votave. Sipas tij, […]
The government of Ramush Haradinaj inherits a large and very challenging agenda. The mood and the context are not very favorable. The list of tasks present the priorities that do matter for the citizens, institutions, international partners and Kosovo’s European agenda.