In Kosovo, youth are considered a source of political force. They represent more than half of the population and make up an important part of the electorate. However, their inclusion in decision-making and policy-planning processes remains very limited.
This project aims to advance Kosovo’s EU Agenda through strengthening institutions, and regional cooperation with participation from all levels of society. The two year project targets a broad range of stakeholders who can affect change, such as civil society, governments, political parties and media. Activities encourage and promote participation from women, ethnic minorities and youth […]
October 2018 – Balkans Policy Research Group in partnership with Institute for Development Policy INDEP) has published an in depth report with solid recommendations on Election Reform. Election Reform is one of the big topics discussed in Kosovo in recent years. Local factors, in particular civil society and the international community, continue to demand that […]
Electoral reform is long overdue in Kosovo. The 2017 national and local elections were rated generally well, although, there were some shortcomings in the administration/management of the election that weakened their overall success; such as, the high number of invalid votes, the partial recount of ballot boxes that brought change of results, late certification of […]
The government of Ramush Haradinaj inherits a large and very challenging agenda. The mood and the context are not very favorable. The list of tasks present the priorities that do matter for the citizens, institutions, international partners and Kosovo’s European agenda.
20 October 2018 – Balkans Group Executive Director, Naim Rashiti attended and contributed to the panel on Balkans 2025. Rashiti highlighted three process upon which integration of the Western Balkans into the EU depends on; Resolution of bilateral issues (Macedonia- Greek Prespa Agreement, and full normalisation between Serbia and Kosovo); Reforming making which require deep reforms […]
Research Institute of Development and European Affairs (RIDEA), the lead, and Balkans Policy Research Group (BPRG) have published a specific policy paper “Scenarios for the ‘Grand Finale’ between Kosovo and Serbia”. The report outlines possible, and the best scenarios Kosovo should pursue in the final stage of the Dialogue on Full Normalisation with Serbia. For […]
04 October 2018 – Balkans Policy Research Group has organized a two-day training (Oct. 2-3, 2018) in Reporting on Rule of Law Standards in Kosovo as part of the regional project “Empowering reporting in rule of law standards in Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina” financed by American Bar Association and implemented by […]
02 October 2018 – The Balkans Group and the Institute for Development Policy held the workshop “Kosovo and Elections – what can be improved” to foster the debate on the electoral reform, needs and challenges arising from this process. Representatives of the Central Election Commission, the Election Complaints and Appeals Panel, political parties, civil society […]
Drejtori ekzekutiv nga organizata joqeveritare “Ballkans Group” në Prishtinë, Naim Rashiti gjatë debatit për marrëdhëniet Prishtinë-Beograd, në kuadër të Forumit të Sigurisë së Beogradit ka thënë se dialogu është barka e shpëtimit për marrëdhëniet mes Kosovës dhe Serbisë, si edhe realizimit të marrëveshjeve të mbetura pezull. Burimi: