16-17 March 2017 – Facilitated by the Balkans Group, political parties held a new round of the dialogue. This two-day round was held in Tirana. Dialogue during these two days helped enhancing understanding and improving cooperation between the government and opposition actors. Parties worked on moving forward the Roadmap and identifying priorities that require urgent […]
27 February 2017 – Balkans Group Senior Program Manager Jeton A. Rexha was part of the Expert Commission for the measurement of territory of the Republic of Kosovo. The Government of Kosovo appointed the expert commission in reaction to the massive and robust objection of the demarcation agreement with Montenegro by the opposition parties and […]
22 February 2017 – Balkans Group held a public debate intended to shape the right messaging against radicalisation and violent extremism. Our ‘Support for the Promise’ campaign offered a joint interactive platform, to share and discuss all relevant issues of concerns, role of the community in empowering local voices and messengers against radicalism and violent […]
23 February 2017 – Promoting, preventing and reporting of radicalisation among youth is an integral part of our ‘Support for the Promise’ campaign. Building coalitions of grassroots community activists supported us to expand the reach of the Amplifying Credible Voices network in at-risk communities. Public debates contributed to identify gaps and further strengthen coordination at […]
21 February 2017 – Our ‘Support for the Promise’ campaign continues. Representatives of civil society, municipal authorities, police, councils of students, parents and teachers, the Islamic Community, youth activists and ordinary citizens participated in an interactive discussion organized by the Balkans Group. Participants debated about conflicting views between the traditional Albanian culture and practicing of […]
January 2017 – The Agreement on the Association/Community of Serb Majority Municipalities marks the cornerstone of discord of the EU-facilitated dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia. The General Principles for the establishment of the Association/Community, agreed in August 2015, brought more controversy and caused an unprecedented crisis in Kosovo. Proponents championed it as a tool to […]
20 January 2017 – The Agreement on the Association/Community of Serb Majority Municipalities marks the cornerstone of discord of the EU-facilitated dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia. The General Principles for the establishment of the Association/Community, agreed in August 2015, brought more controversy and caused an unprecedented crisis in Kosovo. Proponents championed it as a tool […]
The Agreement on the Association/Community of Serb Majority Municipalities marks the cornerstone of discord of the EU-facilitated dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia. Kosovo Serbs are the community most affected by the creation of an Association of Serb Municipalities, but they are also the most marginalised group in the Brussels process. Research into the motivations, concerns […]
Përfaqësuesit e partive politike në Kosovë, para pak ditësh kanë zhvilluar një takim në Tiranë për të diskutuar rreth zhvillimeve të fundit. Takimi ka qenë I ndërmjetësuar nga pjestari i shoqërisë civile, Naim Rashiti. Edhe vetë Naim Rashiti e ka konfirmuar takimin. Burimi: http://zeri.info/aktuale/135496/e-konfirmuar-perfaqesuesit-e-partive-politike-u-takuan-ne-tirane/
Nënkryetarët e pesë partive kryesore në vend janë takuar gjatë fundjavës në Tiranë. Takimi është konfirmuar nga Naim Rashiti i Grupit Ballkanik për Politika, i cili ka thënë se takimi është i nënti me radhë që nga marsi i vitit të kaluar. Formate të këtilla kishin nisur me qëllim të nxitjes së dialogut ndërpartiak në […]