Konflikti Serbi-Kosovë tejet i vështirë

Drejtori ekzekutiv i Grupit Ballkanik për studimin e politikave, Naim Rashiti në një bisedë me Zërin e Amerikës thotë se procesi i bisedimeve ka vështirësi dhe paqartësi të mëdha për shkak të pritjeve të palëve. Ai thotë se edhe faktori ndërkombëtar ende nuk është i njëzëshëm dhe nuk i ka dhënë mbështetjen e plotë këtij […]

Naim Rashiti: Këta janë katër skenarët e përfundimit të dialogut në mes Kosovës dhe Serbisë (Video)

Drejtori i Grupit Ballkanik për Politika në Kosovë, Naim Rashiti ka theksuar se janë katër opsione se si do të arrihet marrëveshja në mes Kosovës dhe Serbisë. Ai në një prononcim për Telegrafin ka thënë se të gjitha opsionet janë të hapura, duke e bërë të vështirë kështu të dihet përfundimi i dialogut. Burimi / […]

Mapping of ongoing programs and actions in the field of RAE social inclusion and institutionalisation in Kosovo

November 2016 Part of the Advocacy project for institutionalization of the RAE education rights, Balkans Group has researched on all present and ongoing programs and projects, and developed a chart mapping all actors, partners, policy makers, donors, and implementers in the area of RAE social inclusion and instutionalisation of education learning centers. See the map of ongoing […]

Public companies in the northern Kosovo municipalities: stuck in status quo

4 December 2016 – The Brussels agreement on normalisation of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, signed in April 2013, brought unprecedented changes to the four northern municipalities of Kosovo. The Serbian administration was to be dissolved, replaced by a Kosovar one. Local elections were held throughout Kosovo, including in the North, in 2013; the police […]

Balkans Group initiates a cross-national think-tank Platform to enhance the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia

22 November – 2016 Members and NGO partners of the Kosovo and Serbia Policy and Advocacy Group held a brainsotriming session with the senior EEAS officials on the Kosovo Serbia dialogue. Leaders of the Balkans Policy Research Group, D4D Institute, Kosovo Center for Security Studies, NGO AKTIV, Belgrade Forum for Political Excellence, Belgrade Center for […]

Focus Group in Vushtrri – “Support for the Promise” Anti-Radicalisation Campaign

16 November 2016 – Focus group discussion with mothers aged 45-65, aimed to encourage debate and influence social norms by promoting mechanisms for preventing and reporting cases of radicalism and violent extremism at all stages of development. The project’s aim is to encourage mothers to talk about extremism, raise their voice and report cases that […]

Focus Group in Ferizaj – “Support for the Promise” Anti-Radicalisation Campaign

14 November 2016 – Today, Balkans Group held another focus group with youth aged 18-35, in Ferizaj. The aim was to raise awareness and knowledge among youth about the consequences of radicalism and the importance of countering violent extremism ideologies, both, in words and practice. Discussions reflected limited willingness of the participants to talk about […]

Focus Group in Drenas – “Support for the Promise” Anti-Radicalisation Campaign

11 November 2016 – In Drenas parents aged 45-65 participated in focus group discussion hosted by Balkans Group. Encouragingly, parent were pleased to seek more information about the consequences of extremism and religious radicalism. The discussions elaborated ways on how parents can proactively take preventive measures against extremism and how they can enhance cooperation with […]