The project was developed in response to the flawed elections that took place in North Kosovo in 2013. Project activities included interviews with Kosovo’s leadership, mayors, members of the Serbian enclaves in municipalities where Albanians are a majority, focus groups with students, doctors, and CSO representatives among others. The output is a report outlining policy […]
Objectives: The goal of the project is to give Belgrade, Pristina and interested international actors a sound understanding of the views and options of the northern Kosovo population and leadership, and to craft policies for northern Kosovo that can secure local support and buy-in in the context of the Brussels Agreement. A second goal is […]
After years of passivity Bosnia shows it can still surprise; maybe two decades of Daytonian slumber have left it, as the poet would have it, defiant after sleep (“prkosna od sna”, Mak Dizdar). When the news comes as quickly as this, the commentariat should exercise caution. Read the article here
The municipal elections in Kosovo on 3 November were not really local, and come down to two very different stories depending on whether one looks at the Serb-held northern region or the rest of the country. In the government-controlled south, Election Day was inspirational as all communities turned out heavily and peacefully. Read the article […]
The anger of Bosnia’s long-suffering people is finally spilling out onto the street. My friend and colleague from our days at International Crisis Group, Srećko Latal, has been prophesying this for years and I have to admit I’ve been skeptical. Read the article here
3 November 2013 – Kosovo will hold local elections. For the Serb-held northern municipalities, the elections mark the end of Serbian and the beginning of Kosovo administration, the transition from one country to another. Pristina believes November will cement its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Belgrade hopes the European Union will reward its cooperation with membership […]