Thaçi: Nuk i heqim taksat e as s’e bëjmë asociacionin për liberalizim të vizave

“20 vite pas: Perspektivat dhe Sfidat për Ballkanin Perëndimor”  Presidenti i Kosovës Hashim Thaçi ka deklaruar se për liberalizim të vizave nuk do të lejojnë që brenda Kosovës të ketë Republikë Serbe. Këto komente ai i ka bërë në konferencën “20 vite pas: Perspektivat dhe Sfidat për Ballkanin Perëndimor”, të organizuar nga Qendra Kosovare për […]

Rashiti: Kosova dhe Serbia nuk kanë guxim që të arrijnë marrëveshje finale (Video)

Drejtori i Grupit për Hulumtimin e Politikave në Ballkan, Naim Rashiti, në një intervistë për emisionin“Përballje ditore” në me gazetarin Muhamet Hajrullahu, ka folur rreth mbajtjes së Samitit të Berlinit, dialogut Kosovë-Serbi, taksës 100 për qind si dhe për takimin e Parisit që do të mbahet pas tre muajsh. Burimi:

Roundtable on the Kosovo Serbia dialogue: Discussion with experts and civil society

21 March 2019 – Balkans Group organised the roundtable “Kosovo-Serbia dialogue: Discussion with experts and civil society”. This roundtable gathered members of the negotiating team for the dialogue with Serbia, members of political parties, representatives of the civil society, media and independent experts. The discussion was focused on the process and the dynamics of the […]

The Dialogue: My View from Mitrovica

The technical dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia started in 2011 and resulted in 33 agreements. The agreements impacted various areas of people’s lives, including freedom of movement, civil registries, cadastral records, customs, local governance in the north, recognition of diplomas, regional cooperation, energy, telecommunication, justice, etc. Improving the lives of citizens and cooperation between them […]

Naim Rashiti’s Address to Members of the European Parliament on ‘Beyond Accession: Irreversibility of the Rule of Law’

18 March 2019 – Naim Rashiti’s address (edited talking points) to Members of the European Parliament (AFET and LIBE Committees) on ‘Beyond Accession: Irreversibility of the Rule of Law’  Ten challenges to the irreversibility of the Rule of Law in the Western Balkans  1. Accession and EU integration form the key basis for reforms in […]

Education and research in Western Balkan Region: An assessment of countries’ experiences and their performance in EU funded programmes (Case study: Albania, Kosovo and Serbia)

This regional study is prepared within the project “Creating synergy in Western Balkans for strengthening education, research and science”, supported by Western Balkan Fund. It is implemented by a team of experts from European Movement Albania in partnership with Balkans Policy Research Group, Kosovo and European Movement Novi Sad, Serbia.