Kosovo and the Council of Europe: The Accession Roadmap

Balkans Group’s new policy report, Kosovo and the Council of Europe: The Accession Roadmap outlines Kosovo’s path toward CoE, including the criteria for membership, the procedural steps, and potential challenges. It provides an overview of constitutional guarantees, Kosovo’s progress in implementing them, and possible requirements before or after CoE accession. The decision to invite Kosovo is a political one and no legal barriers exist to Kosovo’s long-demonstrated ability and willingness to join the CoE. Yet, challenges are numerous. Those derive from its particular situation, from the ongoing dialogue with Serbia, the implementation of the agreements, and its courts’ decisions. The Kosovo government should take concrete steps to prove its ability to join the CoE. The CoE shall acknowledge that Kosovo deserves to become a member state and enjoy the advantages of having access to its mechanisms.


Qamil Hoxha street ob. no. 29
appartment no. 7, Prishtina
10000, Kosovo


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Mon – Fri: 08:30  – 16:30


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