Empowering the Reporting on Rule of Law Standards in Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo and Bosnia

The overall goal of the project is to improve the capacity of journalists for reporting on the rule of law progress in Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina and to support better inter-sectoral cooperation between bar chambers, journalists and civil society within each country and in the region.

In order to achieve the overall goal specific objectives will be:

  • Tracking the quality of media reporting on specific issues
  • Empowering professional journalists for professional reporting and respect for the presumption of innocence, protection of minors, securing the identity of protected witnesses, etc.
  • Raise the level of communication and exchange of information between advocates who are well introduced to fair trial standards and journalists
  • Creating a sustainable united front for tracking the rule of law implementation in all five partner countries
  • Creating new lines of communications between bar chambers in the region and CSOs


Qamil Hoxha street ob. no. 29
appartment no. 7, Prishtina
10000, Kosovo


Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri: 08:30  – 16:30


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🎉Celebrating the 10th anniversary of impactful work, the Balkans Group has been at the forefront of addressing Kosovo's and the region’s most pressing challenges.

Through supporting peace, fostering dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, strengthening institutions, advancing…


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