The Relaunch of the Berlin Process for the Western Balkans: Making its Objectives more Ambitious

20 October 2022

Right before German Chancellor Olaf Scholz resumes the Berlin Process in early November 2022, Balkans Group’s new policy report – The Relaunch of the Berlin Process for the Western Balkans: Making its Objectives more Ambitious, provides a comprehensive analysis of the Berlin process. Building on its successes and drawbacks the analyses seek to establish a new blueprint for the renewed Berlin Process and its agendas. The upcoming November Summit should revisit and strengthen its founding objectives should the Berlin Process seek to lead regional cooperation in the Western Balkans.

When launched in 2014, the Berlin Process envisaged a positive outlook for regional cooperation and the European future of the region. Amongst many of the achievements, the Berlin Process held enough sway to gather the leaders of the WB6 at the same table and on equal grounds, something that was not imaginable before 2014. However, much more is expected for the Berlin Process to be the leading initiative of the regional cooperation of WB6 and the region’s EU accession process, in the face of other competing agendas like the Open Balkan Imitative.

The renewed format of the Berlin Process should intensify the prospect of WB6 enlargement, put an end to the poor legacy of previous initiatives as well as contribute to overcoming the bilateral issues in the region. Only if it overarches these actions, the Berlin Process will lead the regional cooperation of Western Balkans Six.

Read the full report HERE.

This publication is supported by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Prishtina. The views and analysis in this publication are sole of the Balkans Group and do not reflect the views of the donor.


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