Workshop with youth activists of Lëvizja Vetëvendosje – “Strengthening the Role of Youth in Politics”

11 December 2017 – Balkans Group works closely with all parliamentary political parties to promote and advance youth within respective political structures.

Within the scope of the project, BPRG organised a workshop with youth activists and members of Lëvizja Vetëvendosje. Ways to empower them and promote young, boys and girls in politics was at the center of the workshop. They evaluated and shoos their role models they want to refer for their political activisms.

Youth activists engaged to discuss domestic developments, the political landscape, challenges, and dialogue with Serbia, EU perspective, reforms, visa liberalisation and the Specialist Chambers.

Qamil Hoxha street ob. no. 29
appartment no. 7,
10000, Kosovo

Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri: 09:00  – 17:00


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Recapping the 1st full day of the CSF Prep Forum, co-organized with @sudosteuropa! More than 130 participants met in 7 thematic groups to discuss core issues linked to the Berlin Process. See them in action ⬇️⬇️ #BerlinProcess10 #AspenWB

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