High Level Advocacy for RAE Inclusion and Institutionalisation of their Rights

BPRG will be developing an Advocacy Strategy to help implement the 4-year programme for institutionalisation and social inclusion of the RAE community needs. BPRG will serve as their primary advocacy channel in advancing dialogue with central government and donor community.

The project is led by HEKS Foundation and implemented by Terre des hommes, Delegation in Kosovo and Voice of Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian (VoRAE) covering country wide with specific municipalities depending on the intervention. In order to achieve successful institutionalisation of interventions that have proven to be successful in improving the quality of life of RAE communities in Kosovo, the implementers are supported by the Balkans Policy Research Group (BPRG) in the advocacy efforts towards the social inclusion and integration of RAE communities in Kosovo.

The overall objective of the project is to improve social inclusion and living conditions of the RAE communities. This shall be achieved by fostering a policy dialogue, consolidating, up-scaling (crowding-in) and institutionalisation of interventions that were tested and proved successful in the previous phase. The main fields of interventions of the project are policy dialogue, migration counselling, child protection, education, settlement/house-upgrading, employment and income.

Objectives of the mandate

  1. Provide detailed feedback on the institutionalisation plan prepared by the implementers
  2. Facilitate the high-level advocacy activities regarding the institutionalisation undertaken by the implementers
  3. Support the implementers in developing an advocacy strategy for the implementation of the institutionalisation plan
  4. Provide technical expertise to implementers in relation to the advocacy activities of the project

Qamil Hoxha street ob. no. 29
appartment no. 7,
10000, Kosovo

Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri: 09:00  – 17:00


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📢We are pleased to announce a new partnership with @Sida on the project -Elevate Peace, state-building agenda, and advancing the #EU Agenda. Together, we'll advance state-building agendas, foster dialogue for #peace, and promote inclusive policymaking.

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