Training Sessions: Reporting on Rule of Standards in Kosovo

04 October 2018 – Balkans Policy Research Group has organized a two-day training (Oct. 2-3, 2018) in Reporting on Rule of Law Standards in Kosovo as part of the regional project “Empowering reporting in rule of law standards in Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina” financed by American Bar Association and implemented by […]

Workshop on the electoral reform

02 October 2018 – The Balkans Group and the Institute for Development Policy held the workshop “Kosovo and Elections – what can be improved” to foster the debate on the electoral reform, needs and challenges arising from this process. Representatives of the Central Election Commission, the Election Complaints and Appeals Panel, political parties, civil society […]

Drejtori ekzekutiv nga organizata joqeveritare “Ballkans Group” në Prishtinë, Naim Rashiti gjatë debatit për marrëdhëniet Prishtinë-Beograd, në kuadër të Forumit të Sigurisë së Beogradit ka

Drejtori ekzekutiv nga organizata joqeveritare “Ballkans Group” në Prishtinë, Naim Rashiti gjatë debatit për marrëdhëniet Prishtinë-Beograd, në kuadër të Forumit të Sigurisë së Beogradit ka thënë se dialogu është barka e shpëtimit për marrëdhëniet mes Kosovës dhe Serbisë, si edhe realizimit të marrëveshjeve të mbetura pezull. Burimi:

Expert workshop on Kosovo-Serbia Final Phase of Dialogue and Preparations for Kosovo.

24 July 2018 – Balkans Group organised a one-day workshop with experts from civil society, media and the government and political parties to analyse, discuss and forecast the process of the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia. The in-depth analysis of the dialogue, preparations, context, domestic and international were done in form of SWOT Analysis and […]

Nis tryeza e partive politike për dialogun, mungon vetëm Vetëvendosja

Me vonesë ka filluar tryeza e partive politike e thirrur nga Naim Rashiti dhe organizata e tij “Grupi Ballkanik për Politika” ku do te diskutohet për dialogun me Serbinë. Të gjitha partitë politike po marrin pjesë në këtë tryezë, veç Vetëvendosjes. Burimi:

Conference on ‘Kosovo’s Future Decade: Advancing Reforms, Regional Co-operation and European Integration’

4 May 2018 – The Balkan Policy Research Group (BPRG) in cooperation with Democracy for Development (D4D) and Kosovo Center for Security Studies (KCSS) held a high level conference on ‘Kosovo’s Future Decade: Advancing Reforms, Regional Co-operation and European Integration’. The focus of the conference was the advancement of Kosovo’s state-building: strengthening of institutions and […]

Kosovo’s Long Delayed Path to Visa-Free Travel

After years of stalemate, Kosovo is making important steps toward a visa-free agreement with the EU. Domestically, the topic is a top priority, at policy level and for the citizens. This spring, the parliament ratified the border demarcation with Montenegro and the EU deployed an expert mission to evaluate the country’s progress on the fight […]

Conference on Scenarios for the Grand Finale between Kosovo and Serbia

10 April 2018 – Research Institute of Development and European Affairs (RIDEA) and Balkans Policy Research Group (BPRG) published the policy report “Scenarios for the Grand Finale between Kosovo and Serbia”. In this occasion, a high level conference was held involving all leaders of Kosovo, members of the parliament, branches of the government, civil society, […]

Scenarios for the ‘Grand Finale’ between Kosovo and Serbia”

10 April 2018 – Research Institute of Development and European Affairs (RIDEA), the lead, and Balkans Policy Research Group (BPRG) have published a specific policy paper “Scenarios for the ‘Grand Finale’ between Kosovo and Serbia”. The report outlines possible, and the best scenarios Kosovo should pursue in the final stage of the Dialogue on Full […]