Dialogue Roundtable with Kosovo leaders

25 October 2016 – Today, we facilitated a new round of political dialogue with party leaders of five political parliamentary parties. Prime minister and the leader of the LDK, Isa Mustafa, the Speaker and the PDK leader Kadri Veseli, AAK leader Ramush Haradinaj, VV leader Visar Ymeri and NISMA leader Jakup Krasniqi accompanied by their […]

Presentation on Kosovo-Serbia dialogue at the Belgrade Security Forum

12-14 October 2016 – BPRG Executive Director, Naim Rashiti was invited to speak at the Belgrade Security Forum on the topic of “The Belgrade – Pristina Dialogue and the EU Future”. His presentaiton included an overview of the dialogue achievements, addressing challenges and opposition to the dialogue and how to develop stages of normalization toward […]

Roundtable with civil society, media reps, political representatives in Presheva

29 September 2016 – Balkans Group hosted a roundtable with civil society, media activists, members of the political parties and community in Presheva. The aim of this workshop was to discuss about the integration of the Albanian community in public institutions, their rights and challenges that affect them in the area of security healthcare, education, […]

Promoting and Communicating Benefits of the Kosovo-Serbia EU Facilitated Dialogue

Led by BPRG, this project seeks to promote and communicate the benefits of the EU facilitated technical dialogue on the normalisation of relations between Kosovo and Serbia to the wider public by focusing on a number of communication and outreach activities, peer to peer cooperation, research and local engagement. Objectives include: Broaden the support for […]

Creating Synergy in Western Balkans for Strengthening Education, Research and Science

Through desk and field research this project aimed at understanding and facilitating the construction of a more enabling environment in research, education and innovation with a particular focus dedicated to strengthening EU funds absorption capacities in the Western Balkans Region. The Regional Assessment directly contributed to enhanced deliberation with relevant state institutions to pay heed […]

Empowering the Reporting on Rule of Law Standards in Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo and Bosnia

The overall goal of the project is to improve the capacity of journalists for reporting on the rule of law progress in Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina and to support better inter-sectoral cooperation between bar chambers, journalists and civil society within each country and in the region. In order to achieve the […]

Building a World-Class Think Tank in the Balkans

The project is aimed at strengthening BPRG’s internal capacities (i.e. provision of staff trainings, acquisition of statistical software) and improving the quality of its outputs. The grant enables BPRG to fully utilise its existing and incoming human capacity and increase its ability to successfully advocate for policy change. Objectives: The proposed project seeks to achieve […]

Democratic Consolidation: Civil Society for Policy Change

The project is aimed at encouraging reforms that contribute to democratic consolidation through an improvement in the quality and intensity of civic engagement in policy-making. The project activities (i.e. Policy Forum, briefings and policy one-pagers) are intended to offer policy alternatives to the most burning institutional problems, foster informed public debate on major issues, pool […]

New round of dialogue with party vice-presidents

15 September 2016 – Facilitated by Balkans Group, representatives of five Political Parties met today in Prishtina to negotiate a draft statement on the issue of border demarcation with Montenegro. The statement aimed at at finding a sustainable solution on the issue of the border demarcation agreement. Party members harmonised the content of the statement […]

Empowering Women and Girls, Promote Security and Inclusiveness by Fostering Political Dialogue in Kosovo

Balkans Policy Research Group (BPRG)facilitates the Mediation Dialogue between leaders of the government and the opposition in Kosovo since march 2016. BPRG became the first and only local organisation to succeed in bringing senior political leadership of the five key parliamentary parties to the negotiating table. As an independent and impartial think tank, BPRG was able […]