Të rinjtë në politikë

Rreth 73% e të rinjëve nuk janë angazhuar asnjëherë në politikë për shkak të hapësirës së kufizuar. Grupi për Ballkan ka lansuar komponentën “Të rinjtë në Politikë” i cili synon të avancoj të rinjtë në politikë. Naim Rashiti potencoi se tani është koha që investimet duhet të kthehen tek të rinjët e vendit.  Besimi i […]

Grupi për Ballkan ka lansuar komponentën “Të rinjtë në Politikë”

Kjo komponentë synon avancimin e të rinjëve në politikë në kuadër të projektit “Avancimi i institucioneve të Kosovës, Demokratizimi dhe bashkëpunimi rajonal” mbështetur nga Ministria e Jashtme e Norvegjisë.  Hulumtimet tregojnë se 70% e të rinjëve në politikë nuk kanë qenë asnjeherë të inkuadruar në politikë për shkak të mungesës së motivimit dhe mungesës së […]

Launch Event Youth in Politics at the Norwegian Ambassador’s Residence

12 December 2018 – To mark the launch of the ‘Youth in Politics’ component of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs funded project, Balkans Group together with the Norwegian Embassy organised a meeting which convened 35 youth representatives from political parties across different municipalities. The youth forum leaders from Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Self […]

Kosovo Elections: What can be improved?

13 November 2018 – Balkans Policy Research Group in partnership with Institute for Development Policy INDEP) has published an in depth report with solid recommendations on Election Reform. Election Reform is one of the big topics discussed in Kosovo in recent years. Local factors, in particular civil society and the international community, continue to demand […]

Training: Communication Channels Management for Public Relations Officers of Judicial Institutions and Bar Associations

13 November 2018 – Balkans Policy Research Group organised a training and workshop with public relations officers from judicial institutions and Kosovo Bar Association on Communication Channels Management. Public relation officers from Kosovo Judicial Council, Supreme Court, and basic courts of Prizren, Ferizaj, Peja and Gjilan as well as the Kosovo bar Association participated. The […]

Advancing Kosovo’s Institutions, Democratisation and Regional Cooperation

This project aims to advance Kosovo’s EU Agenda through strengthening institutions, and regional cooperation with participation from all levels of society. The two year project targets a broad range of stakeholders who can affect change, such as civil society, governments, political parties and media. Activities encourage and promote participation from women, ethnic minorities and youth […]

Kosovo and Elections: What can be Improved?

October 2018 – Balkans Policy Research Group in partnership with Institute for Development Policy INDEP) has published an in depth report with solid recommendations on Election Reform. Election Reform is one of the big topics discussed in Kosovo in recent years. Local factors, in particular civil society and the international community, continue to demand that […]

Kosovo and Elections: What can be Improved?

Electoral reform is long overdue in Kosovo. The 2017 national and local elections were rated generally well, although, there were some shortcomings in the administration/management of the election that weakened their overall success; such as, the high number of invalid votes, the partial recount of ballot boxes that brought change of results, late certification of […]