Strengthen the State Institutions and Peace in Kosovo

Strengthen the state institutions and peace in Kosovo; enhancing Kosovo’s capacity to deliver governance, services, and access to key human rights, including in a decentralised context for minorities

The project aims to survey, identify and analyse obstacles and weaknesses in two broad areas as well as offer a series of policy recommendations on how to improve:

State-building, strengthen state institutions, including increase of service-delivery quality and enhancing citizen’s rights. And identifying ways for improvements
Peace-building, institutional and human capacity building, first survey effectiveness and use of the local governance by the communities, particularly in the Serb areas. Survey the impact of the implementation of the Brussels Agreement on ordinary citizens and ways to empower new institutions.
The project aims to develop practical policies that address the ways for improvement. The report aims to produce persuasive findings and recommendations that will mobilise domestic and international support for policy discussions and policy change.

The overall objective is to identify and remove the most salient obstacles or weaknesses in two broad areas;

a) Effective use of municipal governance by local communities, especially minorities

b) Effective access to key rights

The first specific objective is to identify through research, fieldwork and outreach the ways in which people seek to realise their rights to local self-government and their basic human rights and are, for reasons of government weakness or malfeasance, unable to do so.

The second specific objective is to develop practical policies that address those weaknesses, with reference to the experience in the region and best practices.

The third specific objective is to publish our findings in a succinct, persuasive way and to mobilise domestic and international support for our policy recommendations

The fourth specific objective is to mobilise cross ethnic analysts and researchers to promote those findings and recommendations, through;

a) adapting programmes to support local governance in the north

b) With support of Balkans Group, Albanians and Serb researchers jointly engage in monitoring of those policies and furthering-and gaining other projects- the monitoring of the government policies with the aim to advance those key rights and increase the efficiency of the local governance.


Qamil Hoxha street ob. no. 29
appartment no. 7, Prishtina
10000, Kosovo


Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri: 08:30  – 16:30


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📣 Balkans Group signed a cooperation agreement with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency – Sida, to support the new project - Advancing the European Agenda for Kosovo: Consolidating Peace Institutions and EU-Related Reforms. This project aims to strengthen…


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