Letter sent to the President, Presidency of the Assembly of Kosovo, and Heads of Parliamentary Groups

Increasing the Accountability and distribution of parliamentary committees.

6 February 2020 – With this advocacy letter, Balkans Group has urged the Presidency of the Assembly and Heads of parliamentary Groups to increase the accountability of the Assembly through a more inclusive sharing of responsibilities and distribution of parliamentary committees.

Balkans Group calls for the establishment, separation and formation of parliamentary committees with the purpose of enhancing the accountability of institutions, sharing of responsibilities, increasing the balance of powers and equal political and gender representation.

Balkans Group will soon publish a report on the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly of Kosovo, which notes of necessary changes and recommendations for a more effective legislative process. The report offers a number of recommendations that seek to directly address the shortcomings of the current Rules of Procedure.

Read the full letter here

Qamil Hoxha street ob. no. 29
appartment no. 7,
10000, Kosovo

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