The project consists of a comprehensive communication campaign aimed at increasing civic awareness on the consequences of extremism and religious radicalism in Kosovo. The main activities (i.e. FDGs, open debates) located in the municipalities of Ferizaj, Vushtrri and Drenas, where a high number of fighters joined to fight for jihad in Syria and Iraq. Project […]
BPRG will be developing an Advocacy Strategy to help implement the 4-year programme for institutionalisation and social inclusion of the RAE community needs. BPRG will serve as their primary advocacy channel in advancing dialogue with central government and donor community. The project is led by HEKS Foundation and implemented by Terre des hommes, Delegation in […]
5 August 2016 – Today, leaders of Kosovo met to discuss on issues that have caused controversy between the government and the opposition. Prime Minister Isa Mustafa (LDK leader), Speaker of the Parliament Kadri Veseli (PDK leader), Visar Ymeri (VV leader), Ramush Haradinaj (AAK Leader) and Fatmir Limaj (NISMA Leader) accompanied by their vice-presidents discussed […]
13 July 2016 – Initiated by the Balkans Group and in partnership with the D4D Institute, senior representatives of political parties met today in Prishtina. This meeting mark the forth round of political dialogue. The Agenda of the Roundtable included discussions on further steps on finding a consensual solution regarding the border agreement with Montenegro […]
04 July 2017 – Facilitated by the Balkans Group, leaders and vice presidents of parliamentary parties VV, LDK, PDK, AAK NISMA and PSD convened for a new round of political dialogue. The discussions were focused around the consensus for the dialogue with Serbia with two priorities, the appointment of the negotiating team and the principles for […]
5 April 2016 – Today, together with the Democracy for Development Institute (D4D) we hosted a Roundtable with the officials of the embassies to discuss the political situation, the dialogue that was launched by the Balkans Group and other challenges to the Kosovo state-building agenda. We presented the Work Plan and the Agenda for the […]
29 March 2016 – The second roundtable of political dialogue was facilitated today by the Balkans Group in cooperation with Democratic Institute (D4D). The Agenda included discussions on finding a minimum consensus for cooperation among political parties, as positive step to establish an inter-party dialogue. Participants suggested to create two lists of issues: a list […]
The project promotes democratic consolidation, cooperation, reform dialogue, and thus ends the political crisis through its Policy Dialogue discussions. The Dialogue roundtables are an activity of BPRG which were successfully launched in March 2016 as a pilot that brought together senior members of political parties at a roundtable focused on finding a way out of […]
The project promotes democratic consolidation, cooperation, reform dialogue, and thus put the political crisis to an end through its Policy Dialogue discussions. The Dialogue roundtables are an activity of BPRG which were successfully launched in March 2016 as a pilot that brought together senior members of political parties at a roundtable focused on finding a […]
11 March 2016 – Today took place the first roundtable of dialogue with senior representatives of the largest political parties. After months of preparations, representatives of LDK, PDK, AAK and NISMA agreed to sit together and launch a political dialogue between the government and the opposition. Vetëvendosje did not participate. The preparation and the roundtable […]