Women in Politics: Gender (In)Equality in politics and decision-making

With the aim of strengthening Kosovo’s democracy, the latest article from Balkans Group “Women in Politics: Gender (In) Equality in Politics and Decision-making” reviews the unfavourable position of women in politics and governance of the country. The article identifies aspects which maintain the massive gap of gender inequality in Kosovo and provides concrete recommendations for […]

Analyst Naim Rashiti shows what percentage of votes political parties can get in the 6 October elections

Analisti, Naim Rashiti, ka thënë se gara për zgjedhjet e 6 tetorit, do të jetë më e ashpër se asnjëherë më parë, përcjellë Gazeta Blic. Përmes një shkrimi në facebook, Rashiti, ka thënë se blloqet politike, të cilat i ka ndarë në katër sosh, do t’i marrin mes 19/20% dhe 26/27% të votave. Sipas tij, […]

Effects of the Technical Agreements: The Roma Perspective

The Roma community is one of the most disadvantaged communities living in Kosovo. Among other problems they face is the lack of Kosovo civil documents. Some Roma, for different reasons were ineligible to get Kosovo civil documents. This lack of documents impacted the further marginalisation of the members of this community. During the Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue, […]

Toxic load, safe transfer – The effects of implementing the Agreement on ADR certificates

The agreement on mutual recognition of the ADR Certificates (25 April 2016) between Kosovo and Serbia reached in Brussels with the facilitation of the EU, has contributed to the free movement of hazardous goods and allowed economic operation of Kosovo companies working in this sector, in line with European and international standards. ADR Certificate (Accord Dangereux […]

Hello, Kosovo?

“Dear consumer, the old code +377 as of now is no longer functional. Please use the new country code +383”.  This was a message that one of the mobile service providers in Kosovo was sending to its clients, notifying them that the country code has changed, after the agreement between Prishtina and Belgrade was reached […]

Division lines, and the connecting points in them (IBM)

Within the technical dialogue facilitated by the European Union, in December 2011, Kosovo and Serbia reached the Agreement on Integrated Border Management, known by the acronym IBM. The agreement regulates cross-border cooperation, including joint crossing points, regular communication between police authorities, customs and other agencies. Reaching the agreement was made possible based on the legislation […]

Kosovo Judiciary’s Failure to Communicate to the Public

24 July 2019 – The justice system in Kosovo remains far removed from the citizens. The fraught relationship between the judiciary and the public constitutes a major barrier to communicating justice to the people. Existing gaps in communication have significantly contributed to negative perceptions of citizens towards judicial institutions and the justice they serve. As […]

Wider context of Belgrade-Pristina technical dialogue

Nearly 60 years of negotiations between various local administrations at the territory of former Yugoslavia about territorial impacts and infrastructure are relevant to inform technical dialog between Pristina and Belgrade. The key lesson learned over that long period is that (rare) deliberate external interventions into physical infrastructure made a profound impact to promote durable agreements […]

KSPAG Group organized third Steering Committee

10 July 2019 – The Kosovo Serbia Policy Advocacy Group (KSPAG) held its third Steering Committee meeting hosted by the Aktiv NGO in North Mitrovica. Members of the KSPAG consortium reviewed and discussed the activities and progress of the project ‘Promoting and Communicating Benefits of the Kosovo-Serbia EU Facilitated Dialogue’ funded by the European Union […]

Balkans Group launches the “Youth in Politics” training program

30 June 2019 – On 29 and 30 June 2019, Balkans Group organised the first edition of the training programme “Youth in Politics”. This component is part of a large project “Advancing Kosovo’s institutions, democratisation, and regional cooperation”. It seeks to offer young individuals and members of the political parties throughout Kosovo a chance to […]