Workshop: Discussion regarding Brussels Dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia

25 February 2020 – Balkans Group organised a workshop on the Kosovo- Serbia dialogue in Pristina with students of the Faculty of Law and Faculty of Philosophy- Department of Political Sciences and Department of History, of the University of Prishtina. Through this event, BPRG aimed at expanding the discussion on the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue process. The […]

Conference: Perspectives on the Technical Dialogue Agreements between Kosovo and Serbia

21 February 2020 – Kosovo-Serbia Policy Advocacy Group (KSPAG) organized the “Perspectives on the Technical Dialogue Agreements between Kosovo and Serbia” roundtable discussion in Prishtina/Pristina. The roundtable launched the publication of a booklet containing Op-Eds written by citizens and professionals from Kosovo and Serbia who brought their personal views and experiences on the positive results […]

Conference: Women Caucus: Influencing Policy Making and Fostering Outreach

19 February 2020 – Balkans Group organised the final conference in the framework of the “Fostering the Women Caucus’ role through regional outreach and establishing their relationship with the media” project funded by the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI). The conference was a conclusion to a number of activities that the Balkans Group organised […]

The agreement that enabled regional cooperation

Quick, name the most important agreement reached between Serbia and Kosovo. You are probably tempted to mention the Brussels Agreement, the Agreement on the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities or some other one. However, there are strong arguments in favour of the position that the most important individual agreement reached between Serbia and Kosovo was […]

Workshop discussion: Strengthening the role of the Women Caucus’ and Women Municipal Assembly Members through enhancing their relationship with the media

6 February 2020 – Balkans Group organised a workshop discussion part of the “Fostering the Women Caucus’ role through regional outreach & establishing their relationship with the media”. The workshop discussion promoted a constructive debate on the challenges that women MPs and municipal assembly members face in securing sufficient media coverage for their relevant activities. […]

Letter sent to the President, Presidency of the Assembly of Kosovo, and Heads of Parliamentary Groups

Increasing the Accountability and distribution of parliamentary committees. 6 February 2020 – With this advocacy letter, Balkans Group has urged the Presidency of the Assembly and Heads of parliamentary Groups to increase the accountability of the Assembly through a more inclusive sharing of responsibilities and distribution of parliamentary committees. Balkans Group calls for the establishment, […]

KSPAG part of the CSO forum: “Direct Dialogue as a Tool for Regional Stability”

4 February 2020 – The Kosovo-Serbia Policy Advocacy Group took part in the CSO forum: “Direct Dialogue as a Tool for Regional Stability” with a panel discussing the prospects of EU-facilitated dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. The panel, comprised of Ms. Sonja Licht, president of BFPE, Mr. Naim Rashiti Executive Director of BPRG, Ms. Jelica […]

KSPAG organized fifth Steering Committee Meeting

3 shkurt 2020 – Grupi për Politika dhe Avokim Kosovë-Serbi (KSPAG) ka mbajtur takimin e pestë dhe të fundit të Komitetit Drejtues për të diskutuar arritjet e aktiviteteve të zbatuara për promovimin dhe komunikimi i përfitimeve të marrëveshjeve teknike të dialogut teknik Prishtinë-Beograd. Gjatë takimit në mënyrë të detajuar është diskutuar rreth rezultateve të aktiviteteve […]


I. The largest music festival in the Balkans and one of the largest in Europe, Exit, is organized annually at Petrovaradin Fortress in Novi Sad, Serbia. Last year, the festival gathered around 300,000 participants with performers such as Wiz Khalifa, The Prodigy, Ellie Goulding, and David Guetta. Attendants came from 60 countries around the world, […]