Balkans Group organised a focus group with young people on the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue

Prishtina, February 24, 2022 Balkans Group organised a focus group called “Youth and Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue” as part of their efforts in the Regional Cooperation and Good Neighborly Relations component. The focus group consisted of students from various study backgrounds who unanimously expressed the importance of continuing the dialogue until a final agreement is reached. The […]

Alumni Network of the Executive Program “Youth in Politics”, held a roundtable on the Regional Cooperation and Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue

19 January 2022 During this roundtable, The Group for Regional Cooperation and the Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue, part of the Alumni Network of the Executive Program “Youth in Politics”, addressed and discussed main challenges, issues and opportunities on the topic Regional Cooperation and the Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue. . The conference was organized by this group who was also […]

Balkans Group organized the conference “Kosovo in regional initiatives: challenges and opportunities”

30 November 2021 On 30 November, Balkans Group organized the conference “Kosovo in regional initiatives: challenges and opportunities”.  The conference aimed at discussing venues and opportunities for increasing Kosovo’s participation and membership in regional organizations and initiatives, as well as addressing the challenges that hinder its position in regional fora. Ms. Donika Gërvalla Schwarz, Second […]

Regional Cooperation in the Western Balkans and Kosovo’s participation in regional organisations

“Identifying the best ways to approach regional cooperation in the Western Balkans 29 March 2021 Balkans Group organized a roundtable with members of civil society and experts of the field, to support the delivery of the component “Advancing Regional Cooperation & Good Neighborly Relations”. This component aims to identify the best ways to approach regional […]

Launch event of platform

16 March 2021 Balkans Group held the launch event for the on 16 March 2021, which is a platform dedicated to informing citizens on Kosovo-Serbia dialogue and the reached agreements. Deputy Ambassador of Norway to Kosovo was present in this launch event, where she spoke about the importance of this platform, as a project […]

The Brussels Dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia: Achievements and Challenges

The new Balkans Group policy report “The Brussels Dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia: Achievements and Challenges” describes the dialogue process and the achieved agreements in detail, and it emphasizes the level of their implementation. This report will serve to create a better institutional memory system for the Government. The report also addresses the key challenges […]

Workshop: “Expert discussion regarding the Kosovo- Serbia Dialogue”

23 September 2020 – Balkans Group organized an online workshop on the Kosovo- Serbia dialogue, with the experts of the field. This event primarily focused on guiding the development of the web platform, which BPRG is launching to increase citizens’ involvement and understanding of the Kosovo- Serbia dialogue process. The platform aims to become citizens’ […]

Online Workshop: “Discussion regarding Brussels Dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia”

24 July 2020 – Balkans Group organised an online workshop on the Kosovo- Serbia technical dialogue, with citizens of North Mitrovica. Through this event, BPRG aimed to expand citizens’ involvement and understanding on the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue process. Due to its nature, the workshop was structured in one session. Initially, participants were given narratives of some […]

Factsheet of the “Promoting and Communicating Benefits of the Kosovo-Serbia EU Facilitated Dialogue” project

3 April 2020 – The Kosovo-Serbia Policy Advocacy Group (KSPAG) has successfully concluded the implementation of the “Promoting and Communicating Benefits of the Kosovo-Serbia EU Facilitated Dialogue” project. Over the course of the project 82 activities have been implemented in Kosovo and Serbia, including, written OPEDs, workshops, roundtables, TV debates, seminars, conferences, publications, web and […]

Conference: Perspectives on the Technical Dialogue Agreements between Kosovo and Serbia

21 February 2020 – Kosovo-Serbia Policy Advocacy Group (KSPAG) organized the “Perspectives on the Technical Dialogue Agreements between Kosovo and Serbia” roundtable discussion in Prishtina/Pristina. The roundtable launched the publication of a booklet containing Op-Eds written by citizens and professionals from Kosovo and Serbia who brought their personal views and experiences on the positive results […]