Dialogue-info Platform

Balkans Group’s dialogue-info platform is a valuable resource for keeping the public informed about the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue process. We aim to present information about events, dialogue agreements, and their implementation in a clear, concise, and visually appealing manner.

Since the launch of the dialogue process, concerns have been raised about transparency and accountability. In order to address these issues and fill the gaps in society’s understanding of the dialogue, Balkans Group has established this platform to serve as a primary source of information and insight. By providing accessible and accurate information, we aim to promote greater public understanding and support for the dialogue process.

Balkans Group is the founder and administrator of the Dialogue-Info platform.

Qamil Hoxha street ob. no. 29
appartment no. 7,
10000, Kosovo

Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri: 09:00  – 17:00


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Exciting news! The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe voted in favour of the draft Opinion recommending Kosovo’s membership to the CoE!
Kosovo is now one step closer to joining the @coe and gaining access to its extensive mechanisms.

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