Analisti, Naim Rashti, tha se relacionet politike kanë devijuar nga dita në ditë dhe se tavolina institucionale është larg. “Duke pasur parasysh zhvillimet disa mujore, duke pas parasysh atmosferën dhe zhvillimet pas 2014 nuk ka ndryshime radikale, nuk ka surpriza të momentit”.“Kjo qasje e opozitës është zero ose asgjë, 100 apo asgjë nuk do të […]
The political analyst from the Crisis Group in Prishtina, Naim Rashiti, told this daily that there will be less implementation of the agreements reached between Pristina and Belgrade in Brussels this year. He added that fewer agreements will be reached this year as well. He called on Kosovo institutions create functionalizing mechanisms for the municipalities […]
The political analyst from the Crisis Group in Prishtina, Naim Rashiti, told this daily that there will be less implementation of the agreements reached between Pristina and Belgrade in Brussels this year. He added that fewer agreements will be reached this year as well. He called on Kosovo institutions create functionalizing mechanisms for the municipalities […]
The political analyst from the Crisis Group in Prishtina, Naim Rashiti, told this daily that there will be less implementation of the agreements reached between Pristina and Belgrade in Brussels this year. He added that fewer agreements will be reached this year as well. He called on Kosovo institutions create functionalizing mechanisms for the municipalities […]