ToR for Consultancy Services

Terms of Reference (ToR) for Consultancy Services EU Integration Reforms Indicators Background Balkans Policy Research Group (BPRG) is implementing the project “Elevate peace & state building agenda, and advancing European agenda”, funded by The Norwegian Embassy in Kosovo. In the regional context, Balkans Group is focused on supporting the EU related agendas – implementation of the Stabilization […]

Job Vacancy – Constitutional Law

Vacancy – Constitutional Law Expert(s) Title: Constitutional Law Expert/Consultant Status: Full time                          Location: Prishtina – Kosovo Reporting to: Executive Director Balkans Group is seeking a Constitutional Law Expert/Consultant for providing analysis and a legal review of the Constitution of Kosovo. The role would include identifying constitutional gaps and proposing a constitutional design suited to the […]


Title: SENIOR RESEARCHER Status: Full time Location: Pristina – Kosovo Reporting to: Executive Director Balkans Group is seeking a Senior Researcher for implementing a three-year project. A component of this project aims to support the regional cooperation in Western Balkans, identify venues and agendas to enhance regional cooperation and Kosovo’s participation in regional initiatives. An […]

Balkans Group is seeking a Researcher

Vacancy Announcement Title: Researcher Status: Full Time Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Reporting to: Executive Director POSITION SUMMARY: Under the overall supervision of BPRG Executive Director and in close cooperation with the Senior Researcher, the mid-level consultant will conduct research and write reports on policy developments, politics, security and governance, and regional issues. The Researcher will be […]

Balkans Group is seeking a Communication and Outreach Officer

Title: COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH OFFICER Status: Full time Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Reporting to: Project Manager and Executive Director The Balkan Policy Research Group is seeking applications from qualified candidates for the position of Policy Communication and Outreach Officer to lead all communication, in-house and external outreach activities. POSITION SUMMARY: The Communication and Outreach Officer will be responsible for designing, developing and […]

Ftesë për aplikim në programin e trajnimit “Të Rinjtë në Politikë”

Programi “Të rinjtë në politikë” synon të trajnojë dhe ngrisë kapacitetet e të rinjve aktiv në parti politike në Kosovë në fushat sikurse sundimi i ligjit, politikat publike, qeverisja e mirë, zhvillimi ekonomik dhe politikat shoqërore, politikat e edukimit, bashkëpunimi rajonal, etj. Duke mbledhur rininë e të gjitha subjekteve politike, ky program do të shërbejë […]

Public Call for Expression of Interest – Conceptualization and Production of short (2-3 min) Videos

For a variety of projects and activities Balkans Policy Research Group – BPRG is inviting production companies or individual experts to express their interest to offer audio/video production services for the needs of our organisation. We are looking for a service provider (company or individual) capable to produce visual products that will present complex policy […]

Balkans Group is seeking a Policy Communication and Outreach Officer

Title: COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH OFFICER Status: Full time Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Reporting to: Project Manager and Executive Director The Balkan Policy Research Group is seeking applications from qualified candidates for the position of Policy Communication and Outreach Officer to lead all communication, in-house and external outreach activities. POSITION SUMMARY: The Communication and Outreach Officer will […]