Rashiti: Kosova dhe Serbia nuk kanë guxim që të arrijnë marrëveshje finale (Video)

Drejtori i Grupit për Hulumtimin e Politikave në Ballkan, Naim Rashiti, në një intervistë për emisionin“Përballje ditore” në Telegrafi.com me gazetarin Muhamet Hajrullahu, ka folur rreth mbajtjes së Samitit të Berlinit, dialogut Kosovë-Serbi, taksës 100 për qind si dhe për takimin e Parisit që do të mbahet pas tre muajsh. Burimi: https://telegrafi.com/rashiti-kosova-dhe-serbia-nuk-kane-guxim-qe-te-arrijne-nje-marreveshje-video/

Balkans Without Borders

Ukraine has long expressed unhappiness about the presence of Serbian volunteer fighters among the Russia-backed separatist forces it is battling in its eastern regions. But Ukraine’s ambassador to Serbia, Oleksandr Aleksandrovych, seriously ratcheted up tensions when he not only accused Russia of using its propaganda and security services to lure Serbians to fight against Kyiv, but hit […]

AFET and LIBE: Rule of law remains the key element in the EU accession process

BRUSSELS – MEPs and experts discussed the rule of law in the EU accession process during a joint public hearing today. The hearing, organised jointly by the EP Foreign Affairs Committee and Civil Liberties Committee also examined the progress made and the persisting challenges current EU candidates countries face in fulfilling the fundamental criteria of the […]