Gratë në Politikë II: Politikëbërja e Përgjegjshme Gjinore në Nivelin Lokal dhe Qëndror

Artikulli i ri pĂ«r GratĂ« nĂ« PolitikĂ« II ofron njĂ« analizĂ« tĂ« thelluar mbi domosdoshmĂ«rinĂ« e integrimit gjinor si njĂ« karakteristikĂ« ndĂ«rsektoriale nĂ« ndryshimin e politikave. Ai thekson nevojĂ«n pĂ«r buxhetim gjinor nĂ« tĂ« gjitha fushat dhe pjesĂ«marrjen e grave nĂ« konsultimet publike. Artikulli ofron rekomandime tĂ« qarta qĂ« duhet tĂ« ndiqen nga institucionet dhe […]

Gratë në Politikë II: Politikëbërja e përgjegjshme gjinore në nivelin lokal dhe qendror

Artikulli i ri pĂ«r GratĂ« nĂ« PolitikĂ« II ofron njĂ« analizĂ« tĂ« thelluar mbi domosdoshmĂ«rinĂ« e integrimit gjinor si njĂ« karakteristikĂ« ndĂ«rsektoriale nĂ« ndryshimin e politikave. Ai thekson nevojĂ«n pĂ«r buxhetim gjinor nĂ« tĂ« gjitha fushat dhe pjesĂ«marrjen e grave nĂ« konsultimet publike. Artikulli ofron rekomandime tĂ« qarta qĂ« duhet tĂ« ndiqen nga institucionet dhe […]

Ftesë për aplikim në programin e trajnimit “Të Rinjtë në Politikë”

Programi “TĂ« rinjtĂ« nĂ« politikë” synon tĂ« trajnojĂ« dhe ngrisĂ« kapacitetet e tĂ« rinjve aktiv nĂ« parti politike nĂ« KosovĂ« nĂ« fushat sikurse sundimi i ligjit, politikat publike, qeverisja e mirĂ«, zhvillimi ekonomik dhe politikat shoqĂ«rore, politikat e edukimit, bashkĂ«punimi rajonal, etj. Duke mbledhur rininĂ« e tĂ« gjitha subjekteve politike, ky program do tĂ« shĂ«rbejĂ« […]

Public Call for Expression of Interest – Conceptualization and Production of short (2-3 min) Videos

For a variety of projects and activities Balkans Policy Research Group – BPRG is inviting production companies or individual experts to express their interest to offer audio/video production services for the needs of our organisation. We are looking for a service provider (company or individual) capable to produce visual products that will present complex policy […]

Public Call for Expression of Interest – Conceptualization and Production of short (2-3 min) Videos

For a variety of projects and activities Balkans Policy Research Group – BPRG is inviting production companies or individual experts to express their interest to offer audio/video production services for the needs of our organisation. We are looking for a service provider (company or individual) capable to produce visual products that will present complex policy […]

Public Call for Expression of Interest – Conceptualization and Production of short (2-3 min) Videos

For a variety of projects and activities Balkans Policy Research Group – BPRG is inviting production companies or individual experts to express their interest to offer audio/video production services for the needs of our organisation. We are looking for a service provider (company or individual) capable to produce visual products that will present complex policy […]

Balkans Group is seeking a Policy Communication and Outreach Officer

Title: COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH OFFICER Status: Full time Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Reporting to: Project Manager and Executive Director The Balkan Policy Research Group is seeking applications from qualified candidates for the position of Policy Communication and Outreach Officer to lead all communication, in-house and external outreach activities. POSITION SUMMARY: The Communication and Outreach Officer will […]

Balkans Group is seeking a Policy Communication and Outreach Officer

Title: COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH OFFICER Status: Full time Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Reporting to: Project Manager and Executive Director The Balkan Policy Research Group is seeking applications from qualified candidates for the position of Policy Communication and Outreach Officer to lead all communication, in-house and external outreach activities. POSITION SUMMARY: The Communication and Outreach Officer will […]

Punëtori online: “Diskutim lidhur me Dialogun e Brukselit në mes të Kosovës dhe Serbisë”

24 korrik 2020 – Grupi pĂ«r Ballkan ka mbajtur punĂ«torinĂ« pĂ«r dialogun teknik nĂ« mes KosovĂ«s dhe SerbisĂ«, me qytetarĂ«t e MitrovicĂ«s sĂ« Veriut. PĂ«rmes kĂ«saj punĂ«torie, BPRG ka synuar rritjen e pjesĂ«marrjes dhe informimit tĂ« qytetarĂ«ve sa i pĂ«rket procesit tĂ« dialogut. Fillimisht, studentĂ«t morĂ«n narrativet tĂ« disa prej marrĂ«veshjeve, duke inkurajuar diskutim rreth […]

Serbia-Kosovo dispute: Stalled talks set to resume in Brussels but what’s at stake?

Talks to ease tensions between Kosovo and Serbia will resume on Sunday, the EU has announced. Kosovo’s prime minister, Avdullah Hoti and the president of Serbia, Aleksandar VuÄŤić are set to travel to Brussels for a “high-level meeting of the EU-facilitated dialogue” on Sunday. Ahead of the meeting, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela […]