Serbia-Kosovo dispute: Stalled talks set to resume in Brussels but what’s at stake?

Talks to ease tensions between Kosovo and Serbia will resume on Sunday, the EU has announced. Kosovo’s prime minister, Avdullah Hoti and the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić are set to travel to Brussels for a “high-level meeting of the EU-facilitated dialogue” on Sunday. Ahead of the meeting, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela […]

Serbia-Kosovo dispute: Stalled talks set to resume in Brussels but what’s at stake?

Talks to ease tensions between Kosovo and Serbia will resume on Sunday, the EU has announced. Kosovo’s prime minister, Avdullah Hoti and the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić are set to travel to Brussels for a “high-level meeting of the EU-facilitated dialogue” on Sunday. Ahead of the meeting, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela […]

Southeast Europe – COVID-19 Bulletin No. 1 – Domestic Medical Situation and Social Responses

While the European Union has become the epicentre of the global Covid-19 crisis, the countries of the Western Balkans – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia – have so far remained remarkably lightly affected. Even neighbouring Turkey, although having a high number of confirmed cases, has so far counted far fewer […]

Kosovo: Crisis Uninterrupted

Kosovo’s government of hope fell apart in the middle of the Covid-19 crisis. Elections or an LDK-led government will not resolve Kosovo’s growing challenges. The crisis will continue for one more year and the leaders have no will to agree on the country pressing agenda. On 25 March 2020, Kosovo parliament dismissed the government of […]

Kosovo: Crisis Uninterrupted

Kosovo’s government of hope fell apart in the middle of the Covid-19 crisis. Elections or an LDK-led government will not resolve Kosovo’s growing challenges. The crisis will continue for one more year and the leaders have no will to agree on the country pressing agenda. On 25 March 2020, Kosovo parliament dismissed the government of […]

Kosovo: Crisis Uninterrupted

Kosovo’s government of hope fell apart in the middle of the Covid-19 crisis. Elections or an LDK-led government will not resolve Kosovo’s growing challenges. The crisis will continue for one more year and the leaders have no will to agree on the country pressing agenda. On 25 March 2020, Kosovo parliament dismissed the government of […]

Kuvendi i Kosovës: Përmirësimi i performancës kërkon rishikimin e rregullores së punës

14 prill 2020 – Raporti i ri i Grupit për Ballkan për Rregulloren e Punës së Kuvendit shqyrton aspektet kryesore të saj, por kryesisht ato të anashkaluara të cilat kanë kontribuar që Kuvendi i Kosovës të mos përmbushë mandatin e tij. Raporti analizon se si përkufizimet e pasakta, proceset e paqarta dhe mungesa e një […]

Përmbledhje e projektit “Promovimi dhe komunikimi i përfitimeve nga Dialogu teknik Kosovë-Serbia, lehtësuar nga BE-ja”

3 prill 2020 – Grupi për Politika dhe Avokim Kosovë-Serbi (KSPAG) ka përmbyllur me sukses implementimin e projektit “Promovimi dhe Komunikimi i përfitimeve nga Dialogu teknik Kosovë-Serbia, lehtësuar nga BE-ja”. Gjatë këtij projekti, në Kosovë dhe Serbi janë implementuar 82 aktivitete duke përfshirë: artikuj të shkruar për projektin, punëtoritë, tryeza të rrumbullakëta, TV debatet, seminaret, […]