Diçka krejtësisht ndryshe për Kosovën Veriore

Më 3 nëntor, Kosova do të mbajë zgjedhje lokale. 1. Për komunat veriore të drejtuara nga serbët, zgjedhjet shënojnë fundin e Serbisë dhe fillimin e administratës së Kosovës, kalimin nga një vend në tjetrin. 2. Prishtina beson se nëntori do ta forcojë sovranitetin dhe integritetin e saj territorial. Beogradi shpreson se BE-ja do ta shpërblejë […]

A duhet Gjykata Kushtetuese e Kosovës të vazhdojë të ketë gjykatës ndërkombëtarë?

Blogu i programit të Evropës Juglindore të LSE-së organizon një debat mbi ligjshmërinë e gjyqtarëve ndërkombëtarë në Gjykatën Kushtetuese të Republikës së Kosovës (postimi i fundit këtu). Ështja është jashtëzakonisht e rëndësishme dhe në kohë, duke pasur parasysh ndërhyrjet e Gjykatës në krizën e vazhdueshme të qeverisë së Kosovës dhe fuqitë e saj të gjera. […]

A Constitutional moment in Kosovo

Kosovo’s voters cast their ballots on Sunday 8 June, but still have no idea who won. The Central Election Commission (CEC) has reported near-complete results, giving the parties very similar numbers of seats as in the outgoing Assembly though with a few notable changes. Read the article here

Strange Days in Kosovo

The final results from Kosovo’s parliamentary elections are not even in and already strange things are happening. At first glance the election changed almost nothing. After a turbulent four years, featuring a breakthrough in relations with Serbia, the integration of the Serb population, the trials on war crime and organised crime charges of several leading […]

June Elections: High Stakes for Kosovo

June Elections: High stakes for Kosovo by Naim Rashiti The campaign starts officially on 28 May with elections only ten days later, on 8 June – but the parties have been in campaign mode for weeks if not months. Kosovo’s political elites are trying to signal a shift with slogans like “New Mission”, “The Turn”. […]

Bosnia’s Social Impact

After years of passivity Bosnia shows it can still surprise; maybe two decades of Daytonian slumber have left it, as the poet would have it, defiant after sleep (“prkosna od sna”, Mak Dizdar). When the news comes as quickly as this, the commentariat should exercise caution. Read the article here

Unfree and Unfair in Northern Kosovo

The municipal elections in Kosovo on 3 November were not really local, and come down to two very different stories depending on whether one looks at the Serb-held northern region or the rest of the country. In the government-controlled south, Election Day was inspirational as all communities turned out heavily and peacefully.  Read the article […]

Bosnia on fire

The anger of Bosnia’s long-suffering people is finally spilling out onto the street. My friend and colleague from our days at International Crisis Group, Srećko Latal, has been prophesying this for years and I have to admit I’ve been skeptical. Read the article here